Tag Archives: Thumbay Hospital Fujairah Marks World Hypertension Day

Thumbay Hospital Fujairah Marks World Hypertension Day

Thumbay Hospital Fujairah Marks World Hypertension Day with Awareness Event and Free Health Screenings

May 22, 2024 (Fujairah):Recognizing the critical importance of raising public awareness about high blood pressure and to mark World Hypertension Day, Thumbay Hospital Fujairah in collaboration with Emirates Red Crescent, organized an impactful event. The initiative included free consultations and checkups at corporate companies and an awareness session at the hospital. Patients who successfully managed their blood pressure through regular doctor visits, medication adherence, and following medical advice were acknowledged and rewarded. Attendees received various gifts, including blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring devices, and the hospital introduced a Special Hypertension Package to further support patients in managing their health.

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