الصحة والثروة والسعادة مع Build Goal

الصحة والثروة والسعادة مع Build Goal

إسـتضافت دبي بحدث أكثر من رائع الإحتفالية السنويةHealth  Build Goal هذه الشركة الأمريكية ومقرها مدينة لوس أنجلوس بولاية كاليفورنيا التي أطلقت أحدث إبتكاراتها العلمية التي تمكن العالم أجمع من إستكشاف المستقبل والإطلاع على خارطة حياتهم الصحية المستقبلية بل والعمل على تحسين أداء وظائفها الحيوية لمقاومة كافة الأمراض المستعصية والفيروسات كما الميكروبات لتجنب وقوعها من خلال أحدث المنتجات وتقنيات التكنولوجيا الحديثة الموثقة بأكثر من 20 شهادة علمية رسمية عالمية .

إختارت  Build Goal مدينة دبي الملهمة لتكون مقرها الإقليمي في الشرق الأوسط لؤلؤة العالم التي لطالما تحبس الأنفاس بإنجازاتها المتطورة دائماً ، ولأن صحة الإنسان تأتي بالمقام الأول فقد إستثمرت  BuildGoal  في الكثير من العقول المبدعة على رأسها الرئيس التنفيذي الأستاذ جعفر جعفري في المقر الرئيسي بكاليفورنيا ، وسفيرأمريكا الشمالية الأستاذ إحسان جعفري في تورنتو بكندا ، وسفيرة الشركة الآسيوية الأوروبية السيدة نفس يغانه في أسطنبول ، ومستشار إستراتيجية التسويق الأوروبية الآسيوية الأستاذ محمد مهدي رئوفي والأستاذ سجاد يارأحمدي مستشار إستراتيجية التسويق لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بالإضافة إلى سفير دول مجلس دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأستاذ علي زماني .

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Build Goal-Provide Health, Wealth, Happiness

Build GoalProvide Health, Wealth, Happiness

Dubai hosted a wonderful event – Build Goal health celebration for the 1st Annual Ceremony, This iconic American company based in Los Angeles, California, unveiled its latest scientific innovations that enable the whole world to explore the future and chart their path to a healthy life. The Company also works to enhance the performance of their vital functions to prevent health issues, utilizing cutting-edge technology & products backed by over 20 international scientific & authority certificates.

Build Goal has chosen Dubai, an inspiring city, as its regional headquarters in the Middle East. Placing human health at the forefront, BuildGoal has invested in numerous creative minds. The CEO, Mr. Jafar Jafari, manages the headquarters in California; the North American Ambassador, Mr. Ehsan Jafari, in Toronto, Canada; Mrs. Nafas Yegane serves as the Asian-European company’s ambassador in Istanbul; and Mr. Mohammadmahdi Raoufi works as the Eurasian Marketing Strategy Consultant. Mr. Sajad Yarahmadi serves as GCC Marketing Strategy Consultant, along with Mr. Ali Zamani, the Build Goal health ambassador for the gulf region.

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Smart Salem to expand UAE residence visa processing services in DIFC

Smart Salem to expand UAE residence visa processing services in DIFC

  • State-of-the-art facility at Index Tower, DIFC, offers same or next-day biometric appointments to speed up UAE residency visa process in Dubai
  • Residents can avail medical fitness results within 30 minutes of screening

Dubai, UAE; 10 August 2023:Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), one of Dubai’s most sought-after lifestyle destinations, hasreinforced its commitment to provide value addition services to its vibrant community of over 160 nationalities as Smart Salem, a premium medical fitness testing centre located at Index Tower, DIFC, has announced the expansion of its innovative support services for visa processing through DIFC Services

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Bain & Company study shows 85% of business leaders view social issues as “urgent” concerns for their companies

Bain & Company study shows 85% of business leaders view social issues as “urgent” concerns for their companies

New research shows how leading companies are applying a social lens to strengthentheir businesses while creating value for employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, and society at large

Dubai, United Arab EmiratesAugust 10th, 2023—Expectations about the role of business in society are changing dramatically. The impact of business on the environment is of vital importance to many corporate constituencies. Today, however, many more purely social concerns are coming strongly to the fore and CEOs are paying close attention.

A Bain & Company survey of nearly 300global CEOs reveals that 85% of business leaders view social issues as “urgent” concerns for their companies. When asked about the primary role of their business, 60% said either creating “positive outcomes for society” or “balancing the needs of all stakeholders.”

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Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 published research

NodeStealer 2.0 – The Python Version: Stealing Facebook Business Accounts

Executive Summary

Unit 42 researchers have recently discovered a previously unreported phishing campaign that distributed an infostealer equipped to fully take over Facebook business accounts. Facebook business accounts were targeted with a phishing lure offering tools such as spreadsheet templates for business. This is part of a growing trend of threat actors targeting Facebook business accounts – for advertising fraud and other purposes –  which emerged around July 2022 with the discovery of the Ducktail infostealer.

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