جمارك أبوظبي تستقبل طلائع الحجاج بالورود الهدايا

جمارك أبوظبي تستقبل طلائع الحجاج بالورود الهدايا

جمارك أبوظبي: يوليو 2023

استقبلت الإدارة العامة لجمارك أبوظبي بالورود والهديا طلائع الحجاج القادمين من المملكة العربية السعودية عبر مطار أبوظبي الدولي ومنفذ الغويفات الحدودي بعد أداء فريضة الحج، وإنجاز إجراءاتالسفر لهم بكل سهولة ويسر.

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جامعة دبي تعلن بدء قبول طلباتالمنح الدراسية

جامعة دبي تعلن بدء قبول طلباتالمنح الدراسية

باسم الشيخ حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم

بدأت جامعة دبي تلقي قبول طلبات المنح الدراسية من الطلبة المتفوقين الكاملة للعام الأكاديمي الجديد ضمن منحتها السنوية التي قررتها باسم المغفور له بإذن الله الشيخ حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم.

 وتأتي هذه المنحوعددها 3 منح دراسية كاملة وفاء وتخليدا لذكرى الراحل الذي قدم مسيرة حافلة بالعطاء على الصعيد الوطني ولا سيما دعمه المتواصل للمشاريع الخيرية والأداء التعليمي المتميز والأبحاث العلمية والبرامج الصحية إضافة إلى مساهماته السخية والمتميزة مع جامعة دبي ودعم الطلبة المتعسرين سنويا من خلال هيئة آل مكتوم الخيرية.

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“Naghm Collection launches in the UAE through Otto Concept.

“Naghm Collection launches in the UAE through Otto Concept.

Naghm Collection, the Arab makeup brand, has launched its brand in the United Arab Emirates, specifically in Dubai, through its presence in the Otto Concept store, which recently opened in Jumeirah Center, Dubai.
Otto Concept serves as the starting point for Naghm Collection’s expansion and presence in the UAE and later in Gulf countries.
Naghm Collection products are known for their high quality, beautiful contemporary designs, natural ingredients, and affordable prices.
Due to the support and love that Naghm, the brand owner, received from her family, she wanted to reciprocate their love by naming some of the products after them.

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Global Chess League becomes open race after day of upsets

Global Chess League becomes open race after day of upsets

Day nine of the Tech Mahindra Global Chess League proved to be a roller-coaster ride for the participating teams, with five out of six teams now within a chance to move into the top two and contest the final. Making a big move were Triveni Continental Kings while Balan Alaskan Knights being the only ones heading out of the exit door in the exciting inaugural edition of the tournament.

Kings had to play two matches on the day – against SG Alpine Warriors and Balan Alaskan Knights – and they won both, with LevonAronian of Armenia showing the way. The icon player proved to be a giant-killer as he defeated the world’s best player Magnus Carlsen of Warriors and two-time world candidate Ian Nepomniachtchi.

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Halima Al-Muhairy: Active Journalist and Creative Fashion Designer

Halima Al-Muhairy: Active Journalist and Creative Fashion Designer

Halima Al-Muhairy is an active journalist in the field of media and social media. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has trained as a journalist at the Al Jazeera Training Center, the Arab Center, and the Fox News Center. She also worked as a correspondent for Sama Dubai TV for a period of time.

Halima Al-Muhairy has covered numerous conferences, events, and exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates, both as a journalist and as an active influencer on social media.

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